
Origins in the Wairarapa

The Wairarapa Exchange began in 1991 offering a LETS service (Local Employment & Trading System) to members. Markets were held in members' gardens every month or so and "chits" (cheques) were collected and processed by an administrator using a local computer database.

In 2006 the Wairarapa Exchange joined CES and moved the database on-line, where members can log on and enter their own transactions and maintain their own lists of offerings and wants. CES is a public domain exchange system, meaning that it is run by those who use it to trade and not by any entity with interests separate from the communities in which it operates.

In 2008 the Exchange launched the WAIS Voucher Scheme. These Vouchers enable the whole Wairarapa Community the opportunity to use a community currency.

Our team


Guardian Membership Support President
Helen's one of three Guardians who support and oversee the committee. She is also a promoter of Transition Towns and Living Economies.
Helen Dew
Catie-Lou Manson assists new and existing members with their trading. Catie-Lou also maintains our WAIS blog and our page on facebook.com.
Catie - Lou Manson
Hayden McGrail chairs the management committee meetings and among other duties helps with CES administration and this website.
Hayden McGrail


CES Login

Community Exchange System Login

Community Exchange System Mobile Login

Events Calendar

September 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 1 2 3 4 5

Featured Trader

AJ Hunter
AJ Hunter

2024  Green Dollars 6  joomla templates